
Eminent Member
Joined: Jan 12, 2022
Last seen: Jul 27, 2022
Topics: 4 / Replies: 8
Answer to: can i straighten my hair after bleaching it

Although it’s possible to straighten your hair after bleaching it, there are some downsides. Firstly, if you don’t bleach your hair regularly, your ha...

2 years ago
Answer to: can you plug a hair dryer into an extension cord

if you want to use a hair dryer on an extension cord, there’s a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. First, it’s important to make sure that the ex...

2 years ago
Answer to: can i put brown dye over blue hair

Brown dye over blue hair is a popular style choice. The color contrast creates a cool look, while the brown dye adds depth to the blue hair. If you ar...

2 years ago
Answer to: can i mix blonde and brown hair dye

Blonde and brown hair dye are safe to mix. Mixing hair dyes will not change the shade of your hair. It’s just a different way of applying it to the ha...

2 years ago
RE: can you flat iron your hair after dying it ?

There is no definitive answer, as the results will depends on the specific hair type and size. Some people prefer to flatiron their hair, while others...

2 years ago
RE: how you store hair dryer

usually people store the hairdryer bathroom storage. here some best way to store the hairdryer and iron mirrored medication cupboard or precious j...

2 years ago
RE: Why hairdryers are expensive

Similar to anything, the very best styling devices made with quality parts are mosting likely to be a lot more pricey

2 years ago
RE: how highest hot is a hair dryer

The hot air from a hairdryer can get to a temperature level of around 120 levels Fahrenheit. Relying on what type of hair dryer you have, the temperat...

2 years ago